Crowdfunding and Win Swiggy Voucher
Generally, to support a business, project or a social cause people seek funds from specific investors and venture capitalists. Crowdfunding changes the process by introducing a large group of people who are interested in supporting that project or cause by investing in small-small investments. Crowdfunding uses the internet as a medium to communicate with interested people via website and social media campaigns. There are mainly three crowdfunding types: Donation-based crowdfunding: Generally, people who donate have a self-motivation to help a social cause. They may expect rewards and gifts in return. Debt-based crowdfunding: Those who invest expect interest in return. These are generally peer-to-peer lending platform. Equity-based crowdfunding: Generally, people fund various projects and except equity if the project succeeds. There are many fundraising websites present in India like Milaap, Ketto, ezKarma, Wishberry, etc. These websites have various categories like some raise f...