Most Crowdfunding Plateform in India

Crowdfunding is a terminology used for funding raised with the help of crowd. Instead of approaching any potential angel investor, venture capitalist firms or banks this form of funding include a wider interested audience which can fund any campaign, business, non-profit organizational activities via digital approach.

Crowdfunding saves time, money and energy if you have a strong objective with a genuine concept and good storyline. There are 3 different ways via which crowdfunding works :

•    Donation-Based Crowdfunding

In this category people just donate or help for a cause without any motive of ROI (return on investment).

Common donation-based crowdfunding initiatives include fundraising for disaster relief, charities, nonprofits, and medical bills.

•    Rewards-Based Crowdfunding

Broadly speaking, rewards-based crowdfunding is a funding raised in return of any rewards, perks or incentives typically any product or service.

Even though this type of crowdfunding involves rewards but it is still an alternate of donation-based crowdfunding since there is no return on equity or finances.

•    Equity-Based Crowdfunding

It allows contributors to become part-owners of your company by trading capital for equity shares.

Contributors here receive return on their investments in the form of equity or shares of that particular business or startup.

ezKarma is the first online crowdfunding platform in India which is an integration of donation-based and rewards-based crowdfunding which helps India’s top reputed and trusted Ngos to raise funds for underprivileged and poor children, women empowerment, water and sanitation and many other different social issues.

India is a developing country and it can only become developed once the internal structure is focused on which predominantly includes education. Education is the greatest weapon to fight any country’s social causes. ezKarma moves with the initiative of creating a culture by encouraging people and arousing awareness in them to help India become more stable and stronger than ever.

Any contributor can donate as low as ₹10 to any campaign of their choice and can stand a chance to win exciting perks and offers from the respected organization. So come together for this initiative and provide any monetary help that can brighten the future of our future makers!


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